Find Healing, Culture, and Connection

Culture is Our Medicine

We are a Native-led organization that believes our culture is strong medicine. Traditional medicine and ceremony have always been integral to our peoples’ ability to thrive. That’s why we combine our traditional ways with western medicine for long-term recovery success. As part of our community, you will be with others who share your history, values, and culture. You are not alone. And you deserve to heal, no matter where you are in your journey.

Traditional & Modern Medicine

We believe that traditional medicine passed down from our ancestors, paired with the latest in modern medicine, is important for long-term recovery. From ceremony to medication for addiction treatment, we offer a variety of tools in our treatment programs.

Holistic System of Care for Native Americans in an Urban Environment

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Ready to get started? Call 415-865-0964 to schedule your intake call.

Adult Treatment Program

We believe that healing begins with changing your environment. We offer residential programs for adults that focus on American Indian values and customs. The majority of our program staff have been where you are, and we rely on their knowledge and experience.

The Women’s Lodge

Mothers seeking treatment often have to decide between leaving their children or seeking care. At the Women’s Lodge, moms of children ages 0-5, and expectant mothers, receive community support and in-patient treatment in a setting that allows moms and their children to stay, and heal, together.

Supporting a Loved One

We know how difficult it can be to watch someone you care for struggle with drug and alcohol use. We are a community that believes anyone can heal, and that the path to recovery looks different for everyone. We’re here to support you and your loved one wherever they are in their journey.

Our Approach is Effective

Our Native-led and Native focused program has proven results. People tend to have higher success rates when they are in a treatment and recovery program run by members of their own community. Graduates of Friendship House are proof.

92% of our graduates are sober 6 months after completing the program.

I can face tomorrow without a drink. I can deal with reality head-on—think clearly.
— Anita, 7 years sober
The spiritual, the ceremony sessions, the sweat lodge are all put together in the treatment and it reminds you—it lifts you back up.
— Johnson, 4 years sober

The Village SF, a Holistic Approach to Healthy Living

The Village SF is the heart of our holistic approach to healing. Opening in 2026, our six-story building will include community space, cultural programs, social services, healthcare, and supportive housing. The Village will extend beyond the building. Through a holistic, comprehensive approach to wellness, the Village will serve Native communities with services and programs across San Francisco.

We’re proud to be leading the efforts to reclaim community for San Francisco’s 18,000 Native peoples.